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Butler County Township Association Constitution

Article I - Name

The name of this organization shall be “The Butler County Township Association.”


Article II - Membership

All currently serving Township Trustees and Fiscal Officers in Butler County shall be entitled to ACTIVE membership in this Association. Former Trustees and Fiscal Officers and others interested in local self-government shall be entitled to ASSOCIATE membership.


Article III - Principles Local self-government is a vital principle of free institutions.

This principle is recognized in the case of municipalities by giving Ohio cities the right to frame and amend their own charters. The people living in unincorporated areas are likewise entitled to control their own local affairs. This can only be done by electing officials who are directly responsible to the voters and by entrusting to them the control of township affairs. Township officials are neighborhood officials and hence, more directly responsible to the voters than any other officials can possibly be. There are thirteen townships in Butler County. Townships are responsible for maintaining approximately 750 certified miles of roads in Butler County. As of 2004, a total of 144,796 people lived in the thirteen townships (unincorporated areas) in Butler County.


Article IV - Purposes

The purposes of this Association shall be:

  1. To protect the township against any attempt to abolish it as a governmental unit.

  2. To resist any effort at further centralization of governmental powers by depriving the township of any rights, duties, or privileges that it currently possesses.

  3. To secure, through friendly interaction and cooperation, a better acquaintance among township officials.

  4. To promote a better knowledge of the rights and duties of township officials, and by comparison of experiences and exchange of ideas, to arrive at the best way to discharge those duties.

  5. To secure from the General Assembly legislation that will enable township government to function more efficiently.

  6. To secure for the approximately 750 certified miles of township roads in Butler County, Ohio an equitable share of gasoline tax and other road revenue, with such revenue to be expended on township roads by township officials.


Article V - Election of Officers

  1. The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, Vice- President, Secretary/Treasurer and a State Association Executive Committee Representative. They shall be elected at the annual November meeting of the Butler County Township Association and shall hold office as a township trustee or fiscal officer at the time of their election. Officers may continue to serve through the end of their term as township trustee or fiscal officer.

  2. Nominations shall be presented at the annual November meeting by the Nominating Committee which shall be appointed by the President at the annual September meeting and shall consist of three members from three different townships. Additional nominations for any office may be made from the floor by any member and the election shall be determined by a majority vote of the members present.


Article VI - Duties of Officers

The officers shall have general charge of the affairs of the Association and each of them shall discharge the duties of their office.

  1. The President shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the Association, likewise at all meetings of committees.

  2. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President during their absence or inability to perform the same, or in case of vacancy in the office of President. The Vice-President is responsible for the planning of the annual fall Association banquet.

  3. The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep the minutes and records of the Association and mail notices to members of meetings. The Secretary/Treasurer shall collect membership dues and pay out funds coming into their hands on order signed by the President.

  4. One member shall be elected by the Butler County Township Association to serve as Representative to the State Association Executive Committee. The President, Vice-President, or Secretary/Treasurer of the Butler County Township Association may be chosen to fill this role. The person elected shall be especially charged with the task of securing new members, and enlisting the support of township and county officials, members of the legislature, and other interested citizens.


Article VII - Committees

To assist the officers in carrying out the aims and purposes of the Butler County Township Association, there shall be an Ad-hoc Review Committee, Finance Committee, and Nominating Committee. Additional committees may be appointed by the President as needed or required by the Association. Article


VIII – Ad-hoc Review Committee

  1. There shall be an Ad-hoc Review Committee consisting of four members appointed by the President as necessary and for specific ad-hoc purposes such as to review legislation or legislative proposals relevant to township government at any time during the year.

  2. It shall be the duty of the Ad-hoc Review Committee to make recommendations to the officers concerning legislation affecting township interests.


Article IX - Finance Committee

  1. There shall be a Finance Committee consisting of two members appointed by the President. The Secretary/Treasurer serves as an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee.

  2. It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to supervise the finances of the Butler County Township Association and to assist in raising funds for the Association. This committee shall also examine the official records of the Secretary/Treasurer and make an annual report of the same to the Butler County Township Association.

  3. The Finance Committee is responsible for the planning of the annual summer golf outing.


Article X - Nominating Committee

  1. There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of three members of the Butler County Township Association representing three different townships appointed by the President at the annual September meeting.

  2. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to screen candidates for the position of President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, and State Association Executive Committee Representative. The Nominating Committee shall report said nominations to the full Association membership at the annual November meeting.


Article XI - Meetings

Six regular meetings shall be held each year. Special meetings may be called by the President at such times as deemed advisable. Meetings should follow an orderly parliamentary procedure process.


Article XII - Order of Business

  1. President calls the Butler County Township Association to order.

  2. Roll-call of members by the Secretary/Treasurer.

  3. Reading of the minutes from the last meeting.

  4. Reports of Committees

  5. Addresses by persons selected by President

  6. General Discussion by members.


Article XIII - Dues

The annual membership dues in the Association shall be paid in full at the January annual meeting. Annual dues shall be affixed on the recommendation of the Finance Committee and approved by the active membership of the Association at a regular meeting.


Article XIV - Amendments

This constitution may be amended at the annual January organizational meeting by an affirmative vote of the majority of ballots cast by active members. Any amendment proposed must be submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer at least thirty (30) days prior to the organizational meeting. The Secretary / Treasurer shall in turn forward a copy of the proposed amendment(s) to each member township for their review.


A biennial review of this Constitution shall be conducted by an ad-hoc committee appointed by the President. Any proposed changes or amendments to the Constitution by this committee must be submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer shall in turn forward a copy of the proposed changes or amendment(s) to each member township for their review. 

© 2017 Butler County Township Association / All rights reserved

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